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    疯狂教授生物课 第三季



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    The hit NBC show moves to Peacock. When disgraced Harvard philosophy professor Jack Griffin loses out on his dream job, he is forced to return to Toledo, Ohio, and work as a high school Advanced Placement biology teacher. As he comes crashing in to Whitlock High School, Jack makes it absolutely clear he will not be teaching any biology. Realizing he has a room full of honor roll students at his disposal, Jack decides instead to use the kids for his own benefit. Eager to prove that he is still king of the castle, Principal Durbin struggles to control the force of nature that is Jack Griffin. Executive produced by Lorne Michaels and Seth Meyers.


    • 1.0更新至2集心有零犀吉拉瓦·苏提瓦尼沙克,皮拉帕·瓦塔纳汕西瑞,萨哈帕·翁拉齐,帕恩莎·沃斯拜茵,帕兰妮·琳帕缇雅空,彤达婉·奔提维此弓,苏莉娅蕾·亚卡蕾,帕查彤·塔那瓦
    • 7.0完结东区恋人们第三季Willam,Belli,布兰娜·布朗,史蒂芬·瓜里诺,John,Halbach,吴恬敏,威廉·贝利,马修·威尔卡斯,马科斯·爱默生
    • 6.0更新至03集完结无妄之灾比尔·奈伊安东尼·鲍伊安娜·钱斯勒莫文·克里斯蒂
    • 6.0完结国家秘密加布里埃尔·伯恩,查尔斯·丹斯,斯蒂芬·迪兰,萨米·盖尔,鲁珀特·格雷夫斯,拉尔夫·伊内森,Russell,Kilmister,Sylvestra,Le,Touzel,Anna,Madeley,Gina,McKee,Ruth,Negga,Jamie,Sives,Al,Weaver
    • 9.0更新至6集鬼屋欢乐送第二季夏洛特·里奇,基尔·史密斯·拜诺,马修·贝恩顿,西蒙·法纳比,玛莎·豪-道格拉斯,吉姆·霍威克,劳伦斯·里卡德,本·威尔邦德
    • 5.0完结律师本色第一季拉腊·弗林·鲍尔,凯利·威廉姆斯,迪伦·麦克德莫特

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